Bilete Stand up Comedy cu Teo, Vio, Costel - Eva MC la Club 99 - 17 feb, ora 19:30 - Club 99

Stand up Comedy cu Teo, Vio, Costel - Eva MC la Club 99

Club 99, București

sâmbătă, 17 februarie, ora 19:30

Evenimentul s-a încheiat.



Accesul este permis doar persoanelor peste 18 ani.

Vineri de la 22:00 vă așteptăm la o seară de stand-up comedy alături de Teo, Vio, Costel - Abigail Paul

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Eva started doing stand-up in 2017 while living in Los Angeles, where she has performed at The Comedy Store as well as the renowned Laugh Factory. Upon returning to her hometown Frankfurt, she helped establish the English comedy scene by creating a weekly open mic as well as headlining monthly theater shows. Eva has travelled to many cities in Europe telling stories and anecdotes, from Krakow to Vienna. She won the German Comedy Competition at the famous Quatsch Comedy Club in Berlin, a comedy city she often visits as a headliner in both English and German. Whether in Germany or America, Eva enjoys making new fans with her easygoing presence and witty tales from the road.

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